Program Categories

Booking Terms & Conditions

1 - Booking & Payment Terms

1.1 Payment must be received by the start of the course or within 15 working days of invoice date, whichever is sooner. We accept payment by check or bank transfer.

1.2 All courses’ booking can be done online, via e-mail: or by fax.

2- Cancellations, Transfers & Non-attendance:

All cancellations and requests to transfer must be made in writing to the events registrar either by email, or fax, and will be acknowledged in writing.

2.1. Cancellations

2.1.1 There is no charge for cancellations received 10 working days or more before the start of the course.

2.1.2 Cancellations received 09 working days before the start of the course are subject to a cancellation fee of 25 % of the course fees.

2.1.3 Cancellations received 05 working days before the start of the course are subject to a cancellation fee of 50 % of the course fees.

2.1.4 Cancellations received 04 working days before the start of the course are subject to a cancellation fee of 75 % of the course fees.

2.1.5 If the participant fails to attend the course, the full course fees are payable.

We reserve the right to cancel a course / certificate program at any time and offer an alternative date, a credit or a refund without any liability for consequential or indirect loss. However, alterations may occasionally be necessary due to circumstances beyond our control. Views expressed by course and personal tutors are their own.

2.2. Transfers

2.2.1 There is no charge for transferring to an alternative course date, provided the request is received 10 or more days before the start of the course.

2.2.2 One free transfer can be made after which there will be a $100.00 administration charge for each further request.

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Material published by Pioneers shown here is copyrighted.
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