Program Categories

In-House Programs

Pioneers In-House Training Solutions offers tailored programs at your location allowing the most cost-effective and efficient way to train your teams. Our greatest strength is our ability to work closely with organizations to plan and formulate specific training solutions that will inevitably match your company’s specific organizational requirements.

Our In-House programs could be built around our standard courses, or they can be tailored to suit your particular needs. Alternatively, our team of expert consultants can devise entirely new courses that best meet with your specific training needs.

Why Choose In-House Training:

Pioneers In-House Training is a completely flexible solution that can transform learning within your organization.


Considering employees are located on-site, you will benefit from no additional travel expenses. You also have the option to enroll a group of employees, realizing a significant saving when compared to enrolling individual participants on external courses.


With In House training the syllabus of each training course is designed according to your requirements. You can also work through company case studies and address specific training and business needs. Such facilitation of real or current examples within the organization will help participants to attain highest level of comprehension and enhance learning outcome.


Running a course In-House means that you can choose a time, location and place which suits your schedule, saving time and costs.

Consistent Quality & Excellent Return on Investment

Employees prefer learning with colleagues, creating a positive, synergetic effect of a group of colleagues being trained together at the same time, enabling openness for in-depth discussions. Such conductive learning leads to increased productivity and performance at the workplace.

Pioneers Offers the following In-House Training Solutions:

* Existing Standard Courses – Choose from a range of courses offered under our Public programs

* Customization of an Existing Standard Course – Modify the contents of an existing Pioneers program to better meet the specific topics of your choice

* Tailor-made Training Course – Develop a personalized training program, where you have complete control over subject, content &style and by using your processes

Pioneers' Professional Expertise:

Pioneers' facilitators are industry professionals who have successfully worked in their field of expertise for a number of years. To ensure our clients receive the most relevant and appropriate learning experiences, Pioneers matches the skills and experience of the facilitator with the learning outcomes required.

Your Needs – Your Schedule – Your Location

Whatever skills you want to develop, whatever the size of your organization, we can work with you to find a solution that fits your exact needs and your budget. Already, numerous organizations are entrusting us with their teams’ In House Training and benefiting tremendously from this service!

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