CCS1105 | Modern Concrete Designing, Specifying & Constructing

Start End Duration Venue Fees
12 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 3 Weeks Cairo $9,500 Register
02 Feb 2020 20 Feb 2020 3 Weeks Dubai $10,500 Register
09 Mar 2020 27 Mar 2020 3 Weeks London $11,500 Register
06 Apr 2020 24 Apr 2020 3 Weeks Kuala Lumpur $11,000 Register
04 May 2020 22 May 2020 3 Weeks Istanbul $11,000 Register
15 Jun 2020 03 Jul 2020 3 Weeks California $14,000 Register
05 Jul 2020 23 Jul 2020 3 Weeks Alexandria $9,500 Register
17 Aug 2020 04 Sep 2020 3 Weeks Singapore $11,500 Register
13 Sep 2020 01 Oct 2020 3 Weeks Abu Dhabi $10,500 Register
19 Oct 2020 06 Nov 2020 3 Weeks Bangkok $11,500 Register
16 Nov 2020 04 Dec 2020 3 Weeks Bali $11,600 Register
13 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2020 3 Weeks Sharm Sheikh $9,700 Register


Concrete is used more than any other man-made material on the planet. It has been said that instead of naming our era (The Nuclear Age) it should be named (The Concrete Age) as almost all of our modern lifestyle and constructions depend on this material.  This comprehensive program covers the manufacturing, designing and maintaining of concrete. It includes the details about ingredients and its quality, quantity and effect on the final product of concrete. Concrete designing, its specifications, standards and codes and the concrete mix design is discussed in detail along with various procedures and precautions on field manufacturing of concrete. The defects, investigations and the remedial measures and repairs are covered in detail and the modern concepts like ready mix concrete, precast and pre stressed concrete and their applications are also reviewed. 


This Program’s Attendees Will Be More Able To:

›       Understand what concrete is and why it is used everywhere for construction

›       Study the ingredients of concrete and their importance in quality control of concrete

›       Learn the chemistry of concrete

›       Be able to do simple concrete mix designs

›       Learn everything about concrete manufacturing

›       Know about testing, inspection and quality control of concrete

›       Understand the defects occurring in concrete at different stages or shortcoming and their remedies

›       Study the modern concepts like ready mix concrete, precast and pre-stressed concrete

›       Learn the methods of protection and maintenance of concrete

›       Know the safety precautions to be taken while working with concrete

›       Understand the concrete prepared for special purposes and the admixtures which can affect the properties of concrete


›       Civil Engineers

›       Construction Site Engineers & Technicians

›       Architects

›       Project Engineers

›       Structural Designers

›       Consulting Engineers

›       Maintenance Engineers & Technicians

›       Maintenance Planners

›       Construction Supervisors



›       The history of concrete

›       Main constituents of concrete and their characteristics

›       Cements

›       Aggregates and mineral additions

›       Water

›       Chemistry of concrete

›       Cement - chemical properties

›       Hydration of cement

›       Characteristics of concrete

›       Strength

›       Durability

›       Workability

›       Permeability

›       What makes concrete develop strength? What makes concrete durable?

›       Deterioration, common reasons

›       Related to ingredients - chlorides, sulphates and aggregate, alkali reaction

›       Related to climate, temperature, (hot/cold) and humidity

›       Related to manufacturing and workmanship, mixing, transportation, compaction, cold joints and large mass


›       Standard specifications, codes and guidelines

›       Concrete mix design

›       The fundamentals

›       Target strength

›       Cement content

›       Aggregate sizing

›       Water cement ratio

›       Mix design procedures

›       Specification development

›       Mandatory requirement

›       Durability parameters & Investigating defects


›       Raw material - storage and handling

›       Concrete mixing and production

›       Transportation of concrete

›       Dealing with temperature

›       Formwork and its influence on durability

›       Placement of fresh concrete

›       Treatment to joints

›       Consolidation & compaction procedures

›       Curing & care of green concrete


›       Laboratory and full-scale trial mixes

›       Quality assurance

›       Processes

›       Acceptance criteria

›       Sampling and testing of ingredients

›       Sampling of concrete

›       Tests on hardened concrete

›       Analysis of concrete

›       Non-destructive testing methods for concrete


›       Advantages

›       Types of RMC

›       Specifications and tolerances

›       Quality assurance

›       Production and transportation


›       Benefits of admixtures

›       Types of admixtures

›       Water reducing admixtures

›       Plasticizers

›       Accelerator

›       Retarder

›       Air entraining agents

›       Property enhancing admixtures

›       Water proofing agents


›       Cracking

›       Crazing and shrinkage

›       Creep


›       Designing a protection strategy

›       Surface preparation

›        Improving abrasion and wear resistance

›       Design and construction techniques

›       Hardeners

›       Coatings and toppings

›       Protection against corrosive environments

›       Sealers and coatings

›       Toppings and linings

›       Cathodic protection and metalizing

›       Preventive maintenance and monitoring


›       Inspection and investigation

›       Procedures of repair or replacement

›       Pressure grouting

›       Encasing, demolition of old concrete

›       Repair of delaminated structure


›       High strength concrete

›       Fiber reinforced concrete

›       Cellular concrete

›       Polymer concrete


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Benefits to Organization

1. The candidates will become competent, effective and productive on their jobs. This training program is useful for:
        · Competency building where existing employee is promoted or planned to be promoted.
        · Technical knowledge, skills and competencies.
        · Needs and expectations of the stakeholders/ customers both internal and external.
        · Opportunities to exceed stakeholder/ customer expectations.
2. Create a pool of trained manpower that can cost-effectively spread the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization.
3. Our facilitators often act as mentors for your trained employees and thus provide a most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff.
4. We adopted a one-to-one approach that can provide more room for your employees to work at their own pace and address individual needs more freely.

Benefits to the Individuals

1. The candidates will gain a multi-discipline understanding of the subject matter.
2. Have an individual action plan to take away that will help the candidates make a difference in their organizations. This will add value to the expertise and experience of the candidates’.
3. Be more able to enhance job satisfaction and reduce wasted time and effort.
4. Ensure that the candidates will know and appreciate the strategic imperatives that drive the organization's efforts in their relevant job area.
5. Be more able to align your roles and job requirements with the organization’s mission and vision.
6. Be more able to meet your deadlines and tasks and successfully complete any scorecard in a timely fashion.

Additional Benefits

1. Good & best industry practices.
2. Checklist approach for ease of understanding and practical application.
3. Latest technologies including information technology, quality assurance and methodology.
4. Quality assurance and quality improvement incorporated in each program.
5. One-to-one approach and small groups will lead to learner-centered environment.
6. Experienced and qualified instructors both academically and in practice.
7. Customized programs to meet and suit individual training needs.
8. Letters of recommendation for the exceptional performers.

Program Categories