CCS1110 | Modern Technology for Building Preventive Maintenance

Start End Duration Venue Fees
10 Aug 2020 21 Aug 2020 2 Weeks Kuala Lumpur $7,300 Register
15 Mar 2020 26 Mar 2020 2 Weeks Cairo $6,400 Register
15 Jun 2020 26 Jun 2020 2 Weeks London $7,900 Register
15 Nov 2020 26 Nov 2020 2 Weeks Abu Dhabi $6,900 Register
17 Feb 2020 28 Feb 2020 2 Weeks California $10,000 Register
17 May 2020 28 May 2020 2 Weeks Hurghada $6,800 Register
19 Oct 2020 30 Oct 2020 2 Weeks Barcelona $7,900 Register
21 Dec 2020 01 Jan 2021 2 Weeks Istanbul $7,300 Register
26 Jul 2020 06 Aug 2020 2 Weeks Dubai $6,900 Register
27 Jan 2020 07 Feb 2020 2 Weeks Cape Town $9,000 Register
27 Apr 2020 08 May 2020 2 Weeks Bali $8,000 Register
28 Sep 2020 09 Oct 2020 2 Weeks Singapore $8,000 Register


Buildings and other structures do deteriorate with time because of repeated loadings, exposure to the elements, aging of materials, wear and tear from normal use, abuse, inadequate maintenance, and other factors. Structures, like people never get younger. Structures, like people can maintain their good health with age, if properly cared for, examined, and treated when needed.

Executive Engineers and managers working in the field of design, construction and maintenance of structures often feel the lack of a comprehensive practical guide on the practice, needs and effective programs of good maintenance. Few practical references are available that bridge the gap between theoretical, technical, practical and managerial matters in this regard.

This program is planned to answer technical questions frequently asked by the experienced engineer and executive. It includes information about the significance of applicable codes and standards, critical characteristics of a given structure, critical loads, load combinations and load effects, types and causes of common deficiencies of structures, workable preventive measures for the decay and deterioration of structures, and the use of innovative technology and new materials. 


This Program’s Attendees Will Be More Able To:

›       Understand the philosophy and significance of codes and standards

›       Learn about the uncertainty associated with loads and load effects

›       Understand the causes and mechanisms leading to deficient structures

›       Workout preventive measures to counteract deterioration of structures

›       Plan effective maintenance programs

›       Understand the nature of innovative technology and new materials

›       Learn about specific needs and requirements for concrete, steel and other structures

›       Know the role of the designer, the contractor & the supervision in producing sound structures

›       Provide an overview for the role of effective management

›       Learn from historical structures that stood the test of time


›       Civil Engineers

›       Construction Site Engineers

›       Technicians

›       Architects

›       Project Engineers

›       Structural Designers

›       Consulting Engineers

›       Maintenance Engineers

›       Maintenance Planners

›       Construction Supervisors

›       Building Inspectors

›       Project Managers

›       Construction Supervisors

›       Municipal Officials

›       Architects

›       Quantity Surveyors

›       Insurance Surveyors

›       Concrete Technologists

›       Reinforcement Detailers

›       Structural Fabricators

›       Building Maintenance Personnel

›       Structural Rehabilitation Staff


›       Codes and standards

›       Why do we need the codes?

›       Past and current structural codes and standards

›       The multidisciplinary design effort

›       Design and construction process

›       Design standards and their relationship to structural performance

›       Construction standards

›       List of 100 most frequently cited ASHA construction standards

›       Drawings and specifications

›       Technical specifications

›       Shop drawings

›       Document review

›       Design and construction checklists

›       The uniform code for building conservation

›       Loads and hazards: their nature, magnitude and consequences

›       Establishing the loads and load effects on the structure

›       Safety of structures

›       Serviceability of structures

›       Establishing the capacity of the structure

›       Critical characteristics of steel structures & critical characteristics of concrete structures

›       Accelerated testing, cumulative error, & computer software

›       The dangers of computer analysis

›       Reliability based condition assessment, structural reliability

›       Parallel systems, general systems

›       Performance prediction

›       Steel buildings’ common areas of deficiency

›       Reinforced and pre-stressed concrete buildings’ common areas of deficiency

›       Human perceptions of durability

›       A summary of seismic deficiencies and design constraints

›       Maintenance versus repair

›       Different maintenance options

›       Accepting undesirable existing conditions

›       Preventing deterioration

›       Preventive measures

›       Strategies for maintenance and repair

›       Condition survey

›       Initial site visit

›       Data acquisition

›       Condition survey

›       Detailed inspections

›       Tools and equipment

›       Common problems

›       Sampling for test specimens

›       Testing procedures

›       Investigation summary

›       Peer review

›       Project delivery methods

›       Changing technology

›       Innovative materials

›       Typical structural challenges

›       Lessons from the past

›       Lessons from historical structures

›       Monitoring programs

›       Unforeseen problems

›       Some practical tips

›       The weaknesses of mother earth

›       The future of structures

›       Challenges of the 21st century 


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Benefits to Organization

1. The candidates will become competent, effective and productive on their jobs. This training program is useful for:
        · Competency building where existing employee is promoted or planned to be promoted.
        · Technical knowledge, skills and competencies.
        · Needs and expectations of the stakeholders/ customers both internal and external.
        · Opportunities to exceed stakeholder/ customer expectations.
2. Create a pool of trained manpower that can cost-effectively spread the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization.
3. Our facilitators often act as mentors for your trained employees and thus provide a most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff.
4. We adopted a one-to-one approach that can provide more room for your employees to work at their own pace and address individual needs more freely.

Benefits to the Individuals

1. The candidates will gain a multi-discipline understanding of the subject matter.
2. Have an individual action plan to take away that will help the candidates make a difference in their organizations. This will add value to the expertise and experience of the candidates’.
3. Be more able to enhance job satisfaction and reduce wasted time and effort.
4. Ensure that the candidates will know and appreciate the strategic imperatives that drive the organization's efforts in their relevant job area.
5. Be more able to align your roles and job requirements with the organization’s mission and vision.
6. Be more able to meet your deadlines and tasks and successfully complete any scorecard in a timely fashion.

Additional Benefits

1. Good & best industry practices.
2. Checklist approach for ease of understanding and practical application.
3. Latest technologies including information technology, quality assurance and methodology.
4. Quality assurance and quality improvement incorporated in each program.
5. One-to-one approach and small groups will lead to learner-centered environment.
6. Experienced and qualified instructors both academically and in practice.
7. Customized programs to meet and suit individual training needs.
8. Letters of recommendation for the exceptional performers.

Program Categories