DRG1307 | Reservoir Characterization: A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach

Start End Duration Venue Fees
09 Feb 2020 20 Feb 2020 2 Weeks Alexandria $6,400 Register
10 May 2020 21 May 2020 2 Weeks Cairo $6,400 Register
11 Oct 2020 22 Oct 2020 2 Weeks Abu Dhabi $6,900 Register
12 Jul 2020 23 Jul 2020 2 Weeks Dubai $6,900 Register
14 Dec 2020 25 Dec 2020 2 Weeks Rome $7,900 Register
22 Jun 2020 03 Jul 2020 2 Weeks Kuala Lumpur $7,300 Register
23 Mar 2020 03 Apr 2020 2 Weeks Istanbul $7,300 Register
23 Nov 2020 04 Dec 2020 2 Weeks Madrid $7,900 Register
24 Aug 2020 04 Sep 2020 2 Weeks London $7,900 Register
27 Jan 2020 07 Feb 2020 2 Weeks Bangkok $7,500 Register
27 Apr 2020 08 May 2020 2 Weeks Bangkok $7,500 Register
28 Sep 2020 09 Oct 2020 2 Weeks Singapore $8,000 Register


Reservoir characterization is the process between the discovery phase of a property and the reservoir management phase. The process integrates the technical disciplines of geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering, production engineering, petro physics, economics, and data management. Key objectives of reservoir characterization focus on modeling each reservoir unit, predicting well behavior, understanding past reservoir performance, and forecasting future reservoir performance. Such factors, in addition to staffing needs and expenditures, assert a strong impact on plans for the development and performance of a field. This program illustrates the reservoir characterization process so that each member of the RC team and each of its customers (other departments and management) can appreciate the resulting interpretations and may even contribute to building the RC model.

The modern team approach to reservoir characterization describes productive zones more reliably through the integration of disciplines, technology and data. Increase your proven reserves, discover by passed pay, reduce development time and costs, improve production rates, and rejuvenate old fields through the skills learned in this program. The models developed during the program are based on the application of state of the art technical applications within the framework of a multi-disciplinary team approach. The program is process based and focuses upon:

›       Understanding the applicability of the measurements and interpretations from the participants discipline to other adjacent disciplines

›       Understanding information from other disciplines and the uncertainties and risks involved in its gathering/interpretation

›       Awareness of the latest technologies and working principles evolving on the cutting edge of the industry

›       Managing a large complex project to solve business problems in the most efficient manner and particularly when working in a difficult environment (multi-disciplinary teams, bosses outside your expertise, cross purposes from disciplines, etc.)

›       Working with multiple working hypotheses throughout the project until conclusively proven otherwise 


This Program’s Attendees Will Be More Able To:

›       Develop an integrated multi-disciplinary reservoir model that determines the internal and external geometry of the reservoir, distribution of reservoir properties (static model) and flow within the reservoir (dynamic model)

›       Predict local variations within the reservoir

›       Explain past reservoir performance

›       Predict future reservoir performance of field

›       Analyze economic optimization of each property

›       Formulate a plan for the development of the field throughout its life

›       Convert data from one discipline to another

›       Extrapolate data from a few discrete points to the entire reservoir

›       Calibrate seismic data to the reservoir model

›       Minimize development expenditures

›       Facilitate management decisions concerning the property, financial requirements, staffing needs and expenditures

›       Develop appropriate and accurate financial models useful to company management

›       Help the reservoir characterization team work together more efficiently


›       Geologists

›       Geophysicists

›       Reservoir Engineers

›       Production Engineers

›       Petrophysicists

›       Exploration & Production Managers

›       Team Leaders

›       Research Scientists


›       Defining the business purpose

›       Clarifying the problem

›       Negotiating deliverables

›       Project management in Microsoft Project format

›       Data for reservoir characterization

›       Sources

›       Scale of the data/extrapolation to other areas

›       Acquisition planning

›       Cross disciplinary applications/integration

›       Quality/error minimization

›       Data management

›       Geo-statistics in reservoir characterization

›       Applicable techniques

›       Data viability and applicability

›       Multiple working models

›       Ranking of models with multi-source data

›       Reservoir models

›       Sequence stratigraphic

›       Geological, geophysical

›       Reservoir engineering

›       Flow unit

›       Preliminary production

›       Economics and risking

›       Volumetric

›       Probability of success

›       Financial returns of project

›       Organizational structure

›       Team styles

›       Team communications

›       Assessment and evaluation

›       The holistic reservoir characterization model


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Benefits to Organization

1. The candidates will become competent, effective and productive on their jobs. This training program is useful for:
        · Competency building where existing employee is promoted or planned to be promoted.
        · Technical knowledge, skills and competencies.
        · Needs and expectations of the stakeholders/ customers both internal and external.
        · Opportunities to exceed stakeholder/ customer expectations.
2. Create a pool of trained manpower that can cost-effectively spread the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization.
3. Our facilitators often act as mentors for your trained employees and thus provide a most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff.
4. We adopted a one-to-one approach that can provide more room for your employees to work at their own pace and address individual needs more freely.

Benefits to the Individuals

1. The candidates will gain a multi-discipline understanding of the subject matter.
2. Have an individual action plan to take away that will help the candidates make a difference in their organizations. This will add value to the expertise and experience of the candidates’.
3. Be more able to enhance job satisfaction and reduce wasted time and effort.
4. Ensure that the candidates will know and appreciate the strategic imperatives that drive the organization's efforts in their relevant job area.
5. Be more able to align your roles and job requirements with the organization’s mission and vision.
6. Be more able to meet your deadlines and tasks and successfully complete any scorecard in a timely fashion.

Additional Benefits

1. Good & best industry practices.
2. Checklist approach for ease of understanding and practical application.
3. Latest technologies including information technology, quality assurance and methodology.
4. Quality assurance and quality improvement incorporated in each program.
5. One-to-one approach and small groups will lead to learner-centered environment.
6. Experienced and qualified instructors both academically and in practice.
7. Customized programs to meet and suit individual training needs.
8. Letters of recommendation for the exceptional performers.

Program Categories