LCT1708 | The Art of Successful Total Logistics Management

Start End Duration Venue Fees
01 Mar 2020 19 Mar 2020 3 Weeks Abu Dhabi $10,500 Register
03 Feb 2020 21 Feb 2020 3 Weeks Barcelona $11,500 Register
06 Jan 2020 24 Jan 2020 3 Weeks Jakarta $11,500 Register
08 Nov 2020 26 Nov 2020 3 Weeks Sharm Sheikh $9,700 Register
09 Aug 2020 27 Aug 2020 3 Weeks Dubai $10,500 Register
11 May 2020 29 May 2020 3 Weeks Kuala Lumpur $11,000 Register
12 Oct 2020 30 Oct 2020 3 Weeks London $11,500 Register
13 Jul 2020 31 Jul 2020 3 Weeks Istanbul $11,000 Register
14 Jun 2020 02 Jul 2020 3 Weeks Cairo $9,500 Register
14 Sep 2020 02 Oct 2020 3 Weeks Bangkok $11,500 Register
14 Dec 2020 01 Jan 2021 3 Weeks Cape Town $13,000 Register
20 Apr 2020 08 May 2020 3 Weeks New York $14,000 Register


Logistics activities are oriented to create value for consumers, suppliers and other companies involved in the physical management of goods. The capacity of these companies to produce and deliver value depends on their ability to supply the consumers with the products and services in the location at the moment at which they want to get them, at competitive prices and at the lowest total cost. To realize the required level of customer service at the lowest total cost, it is fundamental to analyze the logistics activities presents in the company and the cost that these activities generate. Managers need accurate information to identify the cost reduction opportunities, and to re-engineer their logistics processes with the aim of making them more efficient. The success of these attempts depends on the ability of the cost analysis system to identify the resources consumed for specific product, procurement channel or logistic activity.

This program provides an overview of contemporary logistics management and technology issues. In addition, the program will review the role of logistics in business and its increasing strategic importance in global supply chains, and emphasizing how the technology influencing the overall logistics activities in the industry.


This Program’s Attendees Will Be More Able To Know About:

›       Understand the role of logistics in business and its increasing strategic importance in global supply chains

›       Know methodologies for measuring both logistics cost and service performance

›       Recognize the value of transportation network design and management

›       Develop the methodologies for optimizing the number of distribution centers in a transportation network and the site selection process

›       Understand the comprehensive assessments of world class warehousing operational principles

›       Learn the role of new information technology applications in the warehouse

›       Define a process and methodology for deciding whether to outsource logistics services and how to go about selecting and managing third-party logistics service providers

›       Demonstrate the core of logistics business

›       Design logistics networks

›       Evaluating logistics investments

›       Managing the logistics activates effectively

›       Apply the technology within the logistics operations 


›       Logistics Consultants

›       Logistics and Financial Managers

›       Account and operations Managers for Third-Party Logistics providers

›       Warehousing Supervisors

›       Inventory Management

›       Logistics Operations Personnel

›       Purchasing Professionals

›       Procurement Professionals

›       Stock Control Personnel

›       Warehousing Professionals

›       Materials Management Personnel

›       Procurement, Buyers and Purchasing Professionals

›       Stock, Logistics, Warehouse and Distribution Personnel 



›       Definition of logistics

›       The economic importance of logistics

›       Recent events and their influences on logistics practices

›       Logistics practices within a firm


›       Supply chains and their management

›       Differences between transactional and relational exchanges

›       The importance of leveraging technology

›       Barriers to supply chain management


›       The importance of effective and efficient utilization of information for logistics

›       General types of information systems and their logistical applications

›       The impact of electronic commerce on channel design

›       Key differences between the logistics of e-fulfillment and the logistics of traditional fulfillment


›       Firm processes incoming orders

›       The importance of customer service to a firm’s marketing activities

›       The role of logistics in the customer service area

›       Customer service standards (specific and measurable)

›       Customer service program establishment


›       Product features affect packaging and materials handling

›       The functions performed by protective packaging

›       The utilization of unit loads in materials handling

›       The environmental protection movement and its impact on packaging and package choice

›       Materials handling principles


›       Modes and Means of transport

›       The use of routing guides

›       The role of freight forwarders and other intermediaries

›       The use of terminals as transfer points for bulk materials

›       The background of the transportation management function

›       The functions of transportation management

›       The role negotiations play in the transportation management function

›       The new options available for private carriage

›       The purpose of freight consolidation


›       The screening or focusing concept of plant/warehouse location

›       The major factors that influence location decisions

›       The general process of determining the optimum number of facilities

›       The systems to determine the location that minimizes transportation costs

›       Site’s specialized location characteristics

›       Free trade zones


›       The costs of holding inventory

›       The costs associated with a stockout

›       The EOQ concept

›       The various inventory flow patterns

›       The role of scanners in inventory control


›       The role of warehouses and distribution centers in a logistics system

›       The various types and functions of warehouses

›       different types of handling equipment available

›       issue of employee safety in warehousing

›       various alternatives available in warehouse design


›       The relationship between supply management and logistics

›       Steps in selecting a supplier

›       potential of e-procurement

›       Quality programs


›       Reasons for governmental intervention in the area of international trade

›       Unique activities of international trade specialists

›       Issues involved in international air transportation

›       Activities involved in international ocean transportation


›       The use of accounting techniques for logistics system control

›       worker productivity issue

›       Problems and solutions involved in a product recall

›       Reducing pilferage, organized theft, and vulnerability to terrorist activity


›       The problems and opportunities involved in systems analysis

›       The importance of industry standards to systems analysis

›       The steps involved in redesigning a logistics system

›       Techniques for achieving logistics coordination and integration

›       The centralized and decentralized logistics organizations

›       Outsourcing logistics activities


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Benefits to Organization

1. The candidates will become competent, effective and productive on their jobs. This training program is useful for:
        · Competency building where existing employee is promoted or planned to be promoted.
        · Technical knowledge, skills and competencies.
        · Needs and expectations of the stakeholders/ customers both internal and external.
        · Opportunities to exceed stakeholder/ customer expectations.
2. Create a pool of trained manpower that can cost-effectively spread the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization.
3. Our facilitators often act as mentors for your trained employees and thus provide a most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff.
4. We adopted a one-to-one approach that can provide more room for your employees to work at their own pace and address individual needs more freely.

Benefits to the Individuals

1. The candidates will gain a multi-discipline understanding of the subject matter.
2. Have an individual action plan to take away that will help the candidates make a difference in their organizations. This will add value to the expertise and experience of the candidates’.
3. Be more able to enhance job satisfaction and reduce wasted time and effort.
4. Ensure that the candidates will know and appreciate the strategic imperatives that drive the organization's efforts in their relevant job area.
5. Be more able to align your roles and job requirements with the organization’s mission and vision.
6. Be more able to meet your deadlines and tasks and successfully complete any scorecard in a timely fashion.

Additional Benefits

1. Good & best industry practices.
2. Checklist approach for ease of understanding and practical application.
3. Latest technologies including information technology, quality assurance and methodology.
4. Quality assurance and quality improvement incorporated in each program.
5. One-to-one approach and small groups will lead to learner-centered environment.
6. Experienced and qualified instructors both academically and in practice.
7. Customized programs to meet and suit individual training needs.
8. Letters of recommendation for the exceptional performers.

Program Categories