SML0305 | Mastering Effective Management & Leadership Styles & Skills

Start End Duration Venue Fees
09 Feb 2020 20 Feb 2020 2 Weeks Abu Dhabi $6,900 Register
12 Jul 2020 23 Jul 2020 2 Weeks Dubai $6,900 Register
14 Jun 2020 25 Jun 2020 2 Weeks Cairo $6,400 Register
16 Mar 2020 27 Mar 2020 2 Weeks New York $10,000 Register
16 Nov 2020 27 Nov 2020 2 Weeks Bangkok $7,500 Register
20 Jan 2020 31 Jan 2020 2 Weeks London $7,900 Register
21 Sep 2020 02 Oct 2020 2 Weeks Istanbul $7,300 Register
21 Dec 2020 01 Jan 2021 2 Weeks Beijing $9,000 Register
23 Aug 2020 03 Sep 2020 2 Weeks Sharm Sheikh $6,800 Register
25 May 2020 05 Jun 2020 2 Weeks Barcelona $7,900 Register
26 Oct 2020 06 Nov 2020 2 Weeks California $10,000 Register
27 Apr 2020 08 May 2020 2 Weeks Kuala Lumpur $7,300 Register


This is an intensive program which reviews the effectiveness of your personal leadership style in relation to the motivational climate you create for your team. Research indicates that emotional climate, a key factor influencing an organization’s working environment, accounts for almost a third of results. This program will enable you to be more effective in achieving desired results for yourself, your team and your organization. Are you aware of the impact your management leadership style has on others? Is it the most appropriate for enabling others to perform and achieve results? This program will provide delegates with a range of management leadership styles and the ability to judge when best to use each. You will be able to:

›       Identify your current preferred management and leadership style

›       Choose the most appropriate management or leadership style for any given situation

›       Understand the impact of different styles on others

›       Increase your ability to motivate others


This Program’s Attendees Will Be More Able To:

›       Utilize the written and graphical feedback that you have received in order to identify your leadership competencies and styles as well as determine the extent to which they influence the climate you create for your team

›       Distinguish how your leadership strengths and improvement areas impact your organization’s results

›       Recognize the necessary features for adapting your leadership styles to reflect the requirements of a situation

›       Establish a foundation of your preferred leadership styles in order to enhance your leadership competencies

›       Intensify your leadership effectiveness within your team by successfully utilizing your observation skills

›       Recognize examples of group members for self-adaptation

›       Formulate your own development plan for expanding your style repertoire by identifying your strengths and improvement areas

›       Increase your organizational and personal satisfaction by acquiring the necessary tools required to lead a successful team


›       Team Leaders & Directors

›       Superintendents & Departmental Managers

›       Supervisors & General Supervisors

›       HR & Management Professionals

›       Senior Personnel & Front Line Supervisors

›       Project Managers, Project Engineers & Planners

›       Strategic Planning Personnel

›       Presidents and Vice Presidents

›       Executives & OE Champions

›       Key Personnel & Professionals at all levels who want to become effective at coaching and motivating others

›       Personnel looking to enhance their understanding of the range of management and leadership styles so that they can build teams and improve individual effectiveness



›       Defining and differentiating between management and leadership

›       Understanding the skills and qualities required of managers and leaders in the 21st century

›       Identifying what your organization needs, wants and expects of you

›       Meeting the demands of both your manager and your team


›       Reviewing your role

›       Projecting a professional and credible image

›       Leading by example

›       Identifying your strengths and weaknesses


›       Advantages and disadvantages

›       Leading

›       Empowering

›       Consultative

›       Motivating

›       Challenging


›       Understanding the individual and team needs

›       Adapting to the situation and different individuals

›       Persuading and influencing others by using the most appropriate style

›       Reading the signs - understanding the impact of your style on others

›       Developing an effective leadership style


›       Practical solutions immediately transferable to the workplace

›       Creating a personal action plan


›       how companies respond to the market

›       adaptation of seven 'S' model showing the necessity of internal leadership

›       how can your leadership qualities be linked to business results


›       personal management framework - behavior is a function of person and situation

›       understanding the links between leadership competences, leadership styles and emotional climate

›       linking survey results with overall framework


›       Management vs. Leadership

›       Critical leadership competencies for 21st century managers

›       Strategic vs. Operational thinking

›       Purpose, mission and vision

›       The power of strategic vision

›       Painting a picture of the future

›       Stabilizing vision

›       Communicating vision to the vision community


›       Developing the leader’s personal life map

›       Exploring the journey to life to reclaim personal power

›       Keys to personal leadership enthusiasm

›       Understanding the dynamics of balance as a key to resilient leadership

›       The power of personal goals and vision

›       The leadership zone of empowerment

›       Eliciting and clarifying personal values

›       Optimal time management


›       The history of management and leadership

›       Leadership and management in the industrial age

›       The paradox of leadership and management in the information age

›       Delivering customer value

›       Staff contribution contracts

›       Staff empowerment

›       The power of systems

›       Ensuring staff capability


›       Why do people behave as they do?

›       Powerful keys to motivation

›       Understanding passion

›       Rapport mastery

›       Deep needs & fears

›       The dynamics of balance

›       Inspiring enthusiasm

›       Managing & leading


›       The power of communication

›       The five keys to effective leadership communication

›       Effective meetings and presentations

›       Managing change and resolving workplace conflicts

›       How to optimize the leadership environment

›       Taking command as a leader

›       How to present data and information

›       Removing the blocks to communicating with your staff 


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Benefits to Organization

1. The candidates will become competent, effective and productive on their jobs. This training program is useful for:
        · Competency building where existing employee is promoted or planned to be promoted.
        · Technical knowledge, skills and competencies.
        · Needs and expectations of the stakeholders/ customers both internal and external.
        · Opportunities to exceed stakeholder/ customer expectations.
2. Create a pool of trained manpower that can cost-effectively spread the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization.
3. Our facilitators often act as mentors for your trained employees and thus provide a most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff.
4. We adopted a one-to-one approach that can provide more room for your employees to work at their own pace and address individual needs more freely.

Benefits to the Individuals

1. The candidates will gain a multi-discipline understanding of the subject matter.
2. Have an individual action plan to take away that will help the candidates make a difference in their organizations. This will add value to the expertise and experience of the candidates’.
3. Be more able to enhance job satisfaction and reduce wasted time and effort.
4. Ensure that the candidates will know and appreciate the strategic imperatives that drive the organization's efforts in their relevant job area.
5. Be more able to align your roles and job requirements with the organization’s mission and vision.
6. Be more able to meet your deadlines and tasks and successfully complete any scorecard in a timely fashion.

Additional Benefits

1. Good & best industry practices.
2. Checklist approach for ease of understanding and practical application.
3. Latest technologies including information technology, quality assurance and methodology.
4. Quality assurance and quality improvement incorporated in each program.
5. One-to-one approach and small groups will lead to learner-centered environment.
6. Experienced and qualified instructors both academically and in practice.
7. Customized programs to meet and suit individual training needs.
8. Letters of recommendation for the exceptional performers.

Program Categories